Hello everyone, I’m here again in the thirteenth day of development of our sci-fi videogame, still without pictures to show, but with good news about the work! I’ve worked a lot, programming the core mechanics, and today I officially finished coding everything I could already code without further planning, so there are almost all core …
Month: April 2019
A new big project has started, a videogame!
This week it’s been very busy. The shed is almost done, we’re finishing the inside, then we’ll paint a second coat outside, but nothing interesting to see until the end I guess. Then it comes the Epic Swords project, but I haven’t been able to work on it this week, because between the time spent …

The Epic Weapons series ~ Ace of Skulls Sword
This is the third model of the Epic Weapons Series, based on the spatha kind swords, born from the late Roman empire but then spread in other cultures and surviving during the middle ages, the most notorious example of this cultural grafting being the viking sword. This is the Ace of SKulls! Ace of Skulls …

The Epic Weapons series ~ Hydra Kopis Sword
This is the second model for the Epic Weapons Series, a sword inspired by the iron age Greek sword kopis, one of the most iconic swords of antiquity! In keeping with the sword’s origin, I created a design inspired by the hydra, one of the most famous mythical beasts of all times, one born from …

The Epic Weapons series ~ Art Nouveau Knife
I’ve had recently the sudden idea that I could make my knife’s design as a 3D model, preparing the model specifically for 3D printing. This looks like a random idea, but it really comes from the passion for swords and knives, that left me in the past often unsatisfied from the little number of designs …